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The Rapid Smart Level – An Innovative Solution for Livestock Farmers and Homeowners

Revolutionise Water Management with Rapid Smart Level.

Livestock farmers and homeowners can now ensure their water supply effortlessly with the Rapid Smart Level. This innovative solution offers remote access to tank water levels, providing real-time data through a user-friendly app. 

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Rapid Plas Slimline Water Tanks: Maximising Space and Efficiency

The new Rapid Plas 1500 Litre Super Slimline tank caters to urban homeowners' need for space-efficient rainwater harvesting. Measuring 2200mm tall, 1500mm wide, and 610mm deep, it fits snugly under eaves and between house exteriors and fences. 

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Super Slimline Water Tanks: A Comprehensive Guide

Super Slimline Water Tanks: A Comprehensive Guide

The Rapid Plas Super Slimline tank represents a compelling solution for homeowners seeking to enhance their water conservation efforts and reduce reliance on traditional water sources. 

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12 Reasons Why Every Australian Home Should Have a Rainwater Tank

Living in the worlds’ driest continent and with the increasing impacts of climate change, the need for sustainable water management is essential. Against this landscape, the iconic Australian rainwater tank offers households a practical solution to manage the challenges of water availability. 

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How friction affects water flow performance

How friction affects water flow performance

In most circumstances, a water pump will be required if you want to move rainwater from where it is stored to where it is needed.  Your water pump must deliver water at a flow rate and pressure that meets your needs.  
This article explores water flow and pressure losses called caused by friction which significantly impacts the performance of a water flow through pipes, fittings, valves, and other obstructions. 

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The Growing Challenge: Urbanisation and Stormwater

The urban landscape across Australia is changing.  
Driven by high-rise inner-city apartments and endless subdivisions of standard quarter-acre blocks, one of the most prominent changes relates to population density. Most of us have experienced the frustrations of congestion in our cities, such as traffic jams, crowded streets and finding a parking spot, but there is another area of congestion that might not be so obvious.  
In many parts of our towns and cities, the legacy drainage and stormwater systems were not engineered with high density living in mind, and heavy rain events can congest and overwhelm the drainage system. 

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The benefits of positioning livestock water supply close to feed

Positioning water supplies close to feed is a practical and strategic decision that promotes optimal nutrition, health, and overall well-being of livestock. It aligns with the natural behaviour of animals and facilitates efficient management practices for farmers. 
This article explores some key reasons why farmers routinely place water sources near feeding areas: 

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Another summer, another fire season. Be prepared!

Bushfire Season

New South Wales faces an increased bushfire risk for Summer 2023 due to above-average rainfall in 2022 leading to heightened soil moisture and grass growth. The climate outlook suggests a shift to drier conditions potentially elevating fire potential. Homeowners are urged to take proactive measures following the NSW Rural Fire Service's 4-step plan, emphasizing early decision-making and preparation. Knowing alert levels and maintaining access to vital information through various channels is crucial for safety. 

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Off-Grid Rainwater Collection

Off-Grid Rainwater Collection

The term "off-grid" traditionally refers to not being connected to the electrical grid, but can also include other utilities like water, gas, and sewer systems, and can scale from residential homes to small communities. 
Two percent of Australians – over 500,000 people, currently live off-grid. 

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Why a corrugated poly tank results in unprecedented rigidity and strength

The strength of a structure is not just a function of the material it’s made from but how it is shaped. Will a single sheet of paper support the weight of a book? If you roll the sheet into a cylinder and stand it on its end, it will easily support the weight of a book. 

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